Comenzare con esta actriz cuyo personaje de Cassandra Ainsworth en skins me dejo loca, interpreta a una chica que entre otras cosas sufre de anorexia, me encanta!!!
Hannah Murray
Nacio el 1 julio de 1989, en Bristol, Inglaterra.
Estatura: 171 cm
Peso: 52 kilos
IMC: 20
A los 16 años comenzo con skins, en sus 2 primeras temporadas. En la pantalla grande podemos verla en Womb y Chatroom.
Oh wow...

I didn't eat for three days because I wanted to be lovely.

Wake up Sid.

Do you know what hurts most about a broken heart? Not being able to remember how you felt before... try and keep that feeling, because... if it goes... you'll never get it back

Yeah, erm, wow, lovely... No. But, I like that you're funny looking, it's cute. Like wow, man.

Love is, like, really important. It's good to be loved. Even if it's only for one night.

You like me. You like me. Look up, if you like me. Look up, if you like me.

You lay waste to the world... and everything in it.

You have to do a lot of talking. I'm good at talking. You do that while you're cutting things up, a lot. And then, questions.

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